High seroprevalence after the second wave of SARS-COV2 respiratory infection in a small settlement on the northern coastal of Peru.


  • Angie K. Toledo School of Public Health and Administration, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; Research Center for Life Preservation, Lima, Peru
  • Franco León-Jimenez School of Human Medicine, Cesar Vallejo University; Research Department, Peru-Korea Friendship Hospital, Santa Rosa II-2, Piura, Peru
  • Sofia Cavalcanti Research Department, Peru-Korea Friendship Hospital, Santa Rosa II-2, Piura, Peru
  • Percy Vilchez-Barreto Center for Global Health, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Tumbes, Peru
  • Narcisa Reto Hospital I Carlos Alberto Cortés Jiménez, Essalud, Tumbes, Peru
  • Jessica Vega Executive Directorate of Epidemiology, Pampa Grande Health Center, Regional Directorate of Health, Tumbes, Peru
  • Lucia M Bolivar Pampa Grande Health Center, Regional Directorate of Health, Tumbes, Peru.
  • Eva M. Rhor Psycology School, National University of Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru
  • Jhon Ypanaque Social and Cultural Office, National University of Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru
  • Henry Silva-Marchan Economy and Political Science School, National University of Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru; Forensic Medical Unit II Tumbes, Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru.
  • Luz M. Moyano School of Human Medicine, Cesar Vallejo University
  • Neuroepidemiology and Science of Life Working Group (NESL) School of Human Medicine, Cesar Vallejo University




covid-19, seroprevalence, Tumbes, SARS-CoV-2


Objective: a) to assess the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 at the end of the second wave; b) to determine the distribution by age group and health determinants associated with seropositivity. Material and Methodology: A study performed in a Tumbes' settlement between December 2021–January 2022 sampled individuals over 2 years old from one to every four households. We collected finger-prick blood samples and conducted symptom surveys. Results: The adjusted seroprevalence after the second wave increased by twofold (50.15%, 95% CI[45.92–54.40]), compared with the first wave (24.82 %, 95%CI [22.49–27.25]). Females maintained a higher seroprevalence (53.89; 95% CI[48.48-59.23]) vs. 45.49; 95% CI [38.98-52.12], p=0.042) compared to males. Those under 18 years of age had the highest IgG seropositivity: the 12–17 age group during the second wave (85.14%) and the 2–11 age group (25.25%) during the first wave. Nasal congestion and cough were symptoms associated with seropositivity, unlike the first wave. Conclusions: The seroprevalence of COVID-19 increased by twofold compared to the initial wave in Tumbes region. Infrastructure constraints, restricted human resources, and supply limitations in healthcare facilities made the Peruvian health system collapse. The epidemiological surveillance network should incorporate mHealth tools for real-time notifiable disease information. Working alongside the community will let us improve interventions for preventing or controlling new pandemics.


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How to Cite

Toledo AK, León-Jimenez F, Cavalcanti S, Vilchez-Barreto P, Reto N, Vega J, Bolivar LM, Rhor EM, Ypanaque J, Silva-Marchan H, Moyano LM, Neuroepidemiology and Science of Life Working Group (NESL). High seroprevalence after the second wave of SARS-COV2 respiratory infection in a small settlement on the northern coastal of Peru. Rev. Cuerpo Med. HNAAA [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];17(1). Available from: http://cmhnaaa.org.pe/ojs/index.php/rcmhnaaa/article/view/2287

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