Progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum and components separation in incisional hernia with loss of domain. A case study report


  • Jonah Salomon Guevara-Espejo Médico Cirujano
  • Micky Stalin Abanto-Valencia Médico Cirujano
  • Jhon Edinson Nureña-Ramírez Médico Cirujano
  • Jean Pierre Villanueva-De La Cruz Estudiante de Medicina



incisional hernia, hernia with loss of domain, preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum, component separation


Background: A hernia with loss of domain has a hernia sac content of 50% or more than the content of the abdominal cavity, which leads to local and systemic effects. Report case: The case of a patient with an incisional hernia with loss of domain and 30 years of evolution is presented, she underwent preoperative pneumoperitoneum and during surgery, anterior component separation was performed to avoid tension in the closure of the hernia defect. Conclusion: Preoperative progressive neumoperitoneum is a recommended method in the management of patients with giant hernias and loss of domain, because it is low cost, safe and easy to perform and avoids the possible complications that the closure of the defect with tension entails.


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Author Biographies

Jonah Salomon Guevara-Espejo, Médico Cirujano

1. Hospital de Essalud II Chocope, La Libertad, Perú.

Micky Stalin Abanto-Valencia, Médico Cirujano

1. Clínica San Pablo Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú.

Jhon Edinson Nureña-Ramírez, Médico Cirujano

1. Hospital de Essalud II Chocope, La Libertad, Perú.

Jean Pierre Villanueva-De La Cruz, Estudiante de Medicina

1. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú.



How to Cite

Guevara-Espejo JS, Abanto-Valencia MS, Nureña-Ramírez JE, Villanueva-De La Cruz JP. Progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum and components separation in incisional hernia with loss of domain. A case study report. Rev. Cuerpo Med. HNAAA [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];15(1):130-4. Available from:



Case Reports
